Environment Quick News   
A Monthly Report From EPRI's Environment Sector October 2007

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Dear Environment Sector members: 

We would like to thank all members who participated in the Cleveland advisory meetings, especially with regard to our priority setting and planning for the 2009 offering.  From our perspective, and hopefully yours, the input we received was extremely valuable and we appreciate the thought and effort everyone expended in our first attempt at this process.  We are currently sorting through the results and will be providing feedback over the next several weeks.

In this issue of Quick News, note that there are several articles that pertain to the issue of arsenic.  This is an integrated research effort that involves several programs in Air, Water and Land/Groundwater.  As this issue becomes more front burner, we intend to have our research results available as part of any regulatory process as well as help those who are dealing with arsenic remediation.

Thank you again for your energy and enthusiasm in Cleveland.  We look forward to seeing you all again in Scottsdale next February or at one of our upcoming technical meetings.

Bryan Hannegan
Vice President, Environment
Michael Miller
Director, Environment
Environment Sector Peer-Reviewed Literature Status Posted on epri.com. Spreadsheets showing the status of all articles submitted to third-party peer-reviewed publications are now available on epri.com.
Program 42: Air Toxics Health and Risk Assessment
Progress Report: Arsenic Health Effects Research. EPRI is participating in collaborative research to develop a biologically based dose-response model that can be used to estimate the carcinogenicity of inorganic arsenic at the low doses commonly encountered by U.S. populations.
Arsenic Project Appoints Scientific Review Panel. Five well-known arsenic researchers have accepted an invitation to serve on a scientific review panel for the joint arsenic research project undertaken by EPRI, The Hamner Institute (formerly CIIT Centers for Health Research), and USEPA. 
Program 91: Assessment Tools for Ozone, Particulate Matter, and Haze
New EPRI Project Will Link AMSTERDAM and WARMF Models. Air quality models, such as the EPRI-funded AMSTERDAM model, and watershed models, such as EPRI’s WARMF, are typically applied independently by different groups to simulate atmospheric pollution and land/water ecosystem impacts, respectively.  The end point of the air models is generally the starting point of the watershed models, but little effort has been made to link them in a rigorous manner. 
EPRI Attends Planning Meeting for California Air Quality/Climate Change Field Study. EPRI researcher Eladio Knipping attended a planning meeting held Sep. 21 in Sacramento, CA, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the California Air Resources Board, and the California Energy Commission.
Program 92: Assessment of Air Quality Impacts on Health and the Environment
Two Articles Based on TERESA Research Published. Two articles based on research conducted under EPRI’s Toxicological Evaluation of Realistic Emissions of Source Aerosols (TERESA) study have been published in the journal Inhalation Toxicology.

Visit the Global Climate Webpage

Program 103: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Options
Meetings and Webcasts for Climate Area Funders. Two more of EPRI’s series of meetings and webcasts for Climate Area funders have been held.
Supplemental Project: Analysis of CO2 Policy Impacts on Western Power Markets.  EPRI is launching a study for the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) on potential CO2 policy impacts on Western power markets.
Area News
Newest Climate Briefs Discuss Natural Climate Variability, Economic Implications of Carbon Cycle Uncertainty. Read the most recent in EPRI’s series of Climate Briefs.
Richels Appointed to National Academies’ Climate Research Committee. EPRI’s Richard Richels has been appointed to the National Academies’ Climate Research Committee, which is responsible for developing, coordinating, and providing oversight for climate-related activities across the National Academies.
Program 49: Coal Combustion Products—Environmental Issues
Health and Ecological Effects of Arsenic in Soil and Water. This technical report summarizes current knowledge of the human health and ecological effects of environmental arsenic and discusses use of this information in assessing risk and setting regulatory standards.
Program 50: MGP Site Management
Supplemental Project: In-Situ Thermal Stabilization of Coal Tar. Companies are invited to provide TC matching credits for a bench-scale treatability study using thermal conduction heating to stabilize coal tar in contaminated soil. 
Program 53: Water Quality Criteria Development and Assessment
Progress Report: Arsenic Health Effects Research. EPRI is participating in collaborative research to develop a biologically based dose-response model that can be used to estimate the carcinogenicity of inorganic arsenic at the low doses commonly encountered by U.S. populations.
Arsenic Project Appoints Scientific Review Panel. Five well-known arsenic researchers have accepted an invitation to serve on a scientific review panel for the joint arsenic research project undertaken by EPRI, The Hamner Institute (formerly CIIT Centers for Health Research), and USEPA.
Program 54: Fish Protection at Steam Electric Power Plants
eTherm Website Updates. The following updates have recently been made to EPRI’s eTherm website.
Presentation at AFS on Fish Response to Fluctuating Temperatures. Results from EPRI’s study of fish response to fluctuating temperatures were presented at the 137th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, held Sep. 2–6 in San Francisco.
Program 55: Watershed and Water Resource Management
New EPRI Project Will Link AMSTERDAM and WARMF Models. Air quality models, such as the EPRI-funded AMSTERDAM model, and watershed models, such as EPRI’s WARMF, are typically applied independently by different groups to simulate atmospheric pollution and land/water ecosystem impacts, respectively.
Tech Update Published on Water Quality Trading Pilot Programs.  Water quality trading (WQT) has potential as an alternate means for power facilities to meet compliance goals with nutrient discharge limits, particularly for nitrogen.
Brochure on EPRI Energy/Water Sustainability Research Program Available. This four-page brochure summarizes the main points of EPRI’s 10-year energy/water sustainability research plan for the electric power industry.
Progress on Cross-Pollutant Trading Project. EPRI’s project examining cross-pollutant trading has to date focused primarily on identifying existing and proposed cross-pollutant trading programs, and in determining answers to three questions about each program.
Supplemental Project: Assessing Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability for Power Generation. Climate change and increasing weather variability can potentially create shortages of high-quality fresh water in many regions of the United States.
Program 56: Effluent Guidelines and Water Quality Management
Report Published on Biotechnology R&D Opportunities in the Electricity Enterprise. Biotechnology offers great promise for the electricity enterprise in terms of lower cost, higher efficiency, and sustainable options through applications in areas such as biomass, bioremediation, phytoremediation, carbon capture, industrial process enhancement, biofuels and hydrogen production, and corrosion control.
Second Workshop on Managing FGD Wastewater Scheduled for October. As a follow-up to last year's workshop in Atlanta, a second workshop on the impact of FGDs on wastewater will be held at the Drury Hotel, #2 South Fourth Street, St. Louis, MO from 1 p.m. on Oct. 29 to noon on Oct. 30. 
Program 51: T&D Facilities & Equipment: Environmental Issues
Arsenic Working Group and Sandia National Laboratories Plan Joint Workshop. The November 29 meeting of the Arsenic Working Group in Dallas, TX will be a workshop held jointly with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL).
In Situ Chemical Fixation Prevents Arsenic Leaching from Contaminated Soil. In long-term laboratory column studies, no detectable arsenic leached from contaminated soils treated with the chemical fixation reagents ferrous sulfate (FS) or ferrous sulfate plus lanthanum chloride (FSLA), even after 280 years of simulated leaching by natural precipitation.
Program 60: EMF Health Assessment and RF Safety

Visit the EMF Health Assessment and RF Safety Webpage

EPRI Comments on a Study of Occupational Magnetic Field Exposure and Alzheimer’s Disease. This case-control study examines the possible association between occupational magnetic field exposure and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) among patients residing in eight California Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Centers located throughout the state.
The BioInitiative Working Group Report. A report assessing research on the potential health effects of exposure to electric and magnetic fields (EMF) was recently issued by the BioInitiative Working Group.
National Academy of Sciences Workshop on Radiofrequency Research Needs. Guidance on future radiofrequency (RF) research needs was the subject of a workshop held August 7–9 in Washington, DC.
Senate Hearings on Advanced Coal Technologies and CO2 Capture and Storage
Meeting with Senator Bingaman
Air Quality
Program 42: Air Toxics Health and Risk Assessment
Program 91: Assessment Tools for Ozone, Particulate Matter, and Haze
Program 92: Assessment of Air Quality Impacts on Health and the Environment
Global Climate Change
Program 102: Global Climate Policy Costs and Benefits
Program 103: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Options
Land and Groundwater Issues
Program 49: Coal Combustion Products—Environmental Issues
Program 50: MGP Site Management
Program 59: PISCES—Plant Multimedia Toxics Characterization
Water and Ecosystems
Program 53: Water Quality Criteria Development and Assessment
Program 54: Fish Protection at Steam Electric Power Plants
Program 55: Watershed and Water Resource Management
Program 56: Effluent Guidelines and Water Quality Management
Program 58: Hydropower Environmental Issues
T&D Environmental Issues
Program 51: T&D Facilities & Equipment: Environmental Issues
Program 57: Rights-of-Way Environmental Issues in Siting, Development, and Management
Program 60: EMF Health Assessment and RF Safety. Currently no supplemental projects.
Occupational Health and Safety
Program 62: Occupational Health and Safety
Environment Sector

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings 
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.   

Air Quality

International Aerosol Modeling Algorithms (IAMA) Conference
Dec. 5–7, Davis, CA.  Contact:  Eladio Knipping, (650) 855-2592, eknippin@epri.com.
This conference is sponsored by the UC Davis Air Quality Research Center and the California Air Resources Board.  More information is available at the event website.

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.

9th International Conference on Mercury as Global Pollutant
Jun. 7–12, 2009, Guiyang, China.  Contact:  Leonard Levin, (650) 855-7929, llevin@epri.com.

Global Climate Change

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.

Land and Groundwater Issues

FGD Gypsum Workshop
Oct. 23–25, Atlanta, GA.  Contact:  Ken Ladwig, (262) 754-2744, keladwig@epri.com.  This conference is jointly sponsored by EPRI, ACAA, EPA, USDA, DOE, and The Ohio State University.  More information is available at the event website.

Sediment Remediation Short Course               
Oct. 29–31, Atlanta, GA.  Contact:  Andrew Coleman, (650) 855-2249, acoleman@epri.com or James Lingle, (414) 355-5559, jlingle@epri.com.  This course is sponsored by the Hazardous Substance Research Center/South and Southwest in cooperation with EPA and the Sediment Management Work Group (SMWG). 

DNAPL-2 “Source Zone Characterization & Remediation”
Nov. 14-15, Long Beach, CA.  Contact:  Andrew Coleman, (650) 855-2249, acoleman@epri.com.  Dr. Coleman is an invited speaker at this symposium presented by the Groundwater Resources Association of California.  More information is available at the event website.

Optimizing Decision-Making and Remediation at Complex Sediment Sites
Jan. 8–10, 2008, New Orleans, LA.  Contact:  Andrew Coleman, (650) 855-2249, acoleman@epri.com.  This conference is jointly sponsored by U.S. EPA, the U.S. Army Corps, the U.S. Navy, and the Sediment Management Work Group (SMWG).  More information is available at the SMWG website.

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.

MGP 2008
Mar. 4–6, 2008, Dresden, Germany.  Contact:  Andrew Coleman, (650) 855-2249, acoleman@epri.com or James Lingle, (414) 355-5559, jlingle@epri.com.  More information is available at the event website.

6th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds 
May 19–22, 2008, Monterey, CA.  Contact:  Andrew Coleman, (650) 855-2249, acoleman@epri.com.  Dr. Coleman will be speaking at the conference.  More information is available at the event website.

9th International Conference on Mercury as Global Pollutant
Jun. 7–12, 2009, Guiyang, China.  Contact:  Leonard Levin, (650) 855-7929, llevin@epri.com.

Water and Ecosystems

Impacts of FGDs on Wastewater
Oct. 29-30, St. Louis, MO.  Contact Paul Chu, (650) 855-2812, pchu@epri.com.

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.

9th International Conference on Mercury as Global Pollutant
Jun. 7–12, 2009, Guiyang, China.  Contact:  Leonard Levin, (650) 855-7929, llevin@epri.com.

T&D Environmental Issues

POSTPONED: 5th International EMF Seminar—Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Effects   
Oct. 16–19, Zhangjiajie, China.  Due to scheduling conflicts, the organizing committee of the 5th International EMF Seminar decided to postpone this seminar to next year (2008).  Contact:  Rob Kavet, (650) 855-1061, rkavet@epri.com.  More information is available at the event website.

International Telecommunication Workshop:  Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields 
Nov. 20, Geneva, Switzerland.  Contact:  Rob Kavet, (650) 855-1061, rkavet@epri.com.  Sponsored by the International Telecommunication Union, the workshop will focus on cooperation and collaboration between organizations involved in the evaluation of human exposure to EMF from transmitting antennae and other telecommunication sources.  More information is available at the event website.

Arsenic Working Group
Nov. 29, Dallas, TX.  Contact:  Mary McLearn, (650) 855-2487, mmclearn@epri.com. This will be a joint meeting with Sandia National Laboratories.

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.

The Bioelectromagnetics Society 30th Annual Meeting 
Jun. 8–12, 2008, San Diego, CA.  Contact:  Rob Kavet, (650) 855-1061, rkavet@epri.com.
More information is available at the event website.    

12th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association
Oct. 19–24, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  Contact:  Rob Kavet, (650) 855-1061, rkavet@epri.com.
More information is available at the event website.

Occupational Health & Safety

Environment Sector and Area Council Advisory Meetings
Feb. 11–13, 2008, Scottsdale, AZ.  Contact:  Bryan Hannegan, (650) 855-2858, bhannegan@epri.com.


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