Environment Quick News   
A Monthly Report From EPRI's Environment Sector October 2007
Program 91: Assessment Tools for Ozone, Particulate Matter, and Haze

EPRI Attends Planning Meeting for California Air Quality/Climate Change Field Study
EPRI researcher Eladio Knipping attended a planning meeting held Sep. 21 in Sacramento, CA, sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the California Air Resources Board, and the California Energy Commission.  The purpose of this public meeting was to begin the planning process for a possible combined air quality and climate science field study in California in 2010.  EPRI is interested in learning more about the field study, determining how EPRI might participate or collaborate in the funding or execution of studies, and exploring which issues to be addressed in California might be of broader interest to EPRI members throughout the nation.  For more information, contact Eladio Knipping, (650) 855-2592, eknippin@epri.com.