Environment Quick News   
A Monthly Report From EPRI's Environment Sector October 2007
Program 56: Effluent Guidelines and Water Quality Management

Second Workshop on Managing FGD Wastewater Scheduled for October
As a follow-up to last year's workshop in Atlanta, a second workshop on the impact of FGDs on wastewater will be held at the Drury Hotel, #2 South Fourth Street, St. Louis, MO from 1 p.m. on Oct. 29 to noon on Oct. 30.  The objectives are to hear the latest on EPRI FGD wastewater R&D, to provide members an opportunity to share operating experiences and issues, and to identify common data needs that should be addressed.  Members are encouraged to present their perspectives and the operating experience of their FGD wastewater treatment system(s).  There is no charge to attend the workshop for members of Program 56 (Effluent Guidelines and Water Quality Management) or Program 75 (Integrated Environmental Controls).  This meeting will be followed directly by meetings of the SO2 Control Interest Group (SOCIG) on the afternoon of Oct. 30 and the Aerosol Control Interest Group (AECIG) on the morning of Oct. 31.  For more information or to make a presentation at the FGD wastewater meeting, please contact Paul Chu, (650) 855-2812, pchu@epri.com, or Chuck Dene, (650) 855-2425, cdene@epri.com.