Environment Quick News   
A Monthly Report on EPRI's Environmental Research Programs July-August 2010
Program 102: Global Climate Policy Costs and Benefits

Understanding the Social Cost of Carbon
Steven Rose was asked to speak to the Utilities Air Regulatory Group on the use of the social cost of carbon (SCC)
in federal regulations.  The U.S. government recently released SCC estimates for valuing the estimated changes in greenhouse gas emissions associated with federal rules and regulations.  The SCC values are likely to be applied broadly in the setting and evaluation of federal regulations.  With previous expertise on this subject, Dr. Rose provided an overview and history of SCC values and regulatory applications and summarized SCC estimation methods and challenges.  Dr. Rose’ presentation was organized to facilitate understanding of and provide context for the new federal estimates.  For more information, contact Steven Rose, (202) 293-6183, srose@epri.com.