Environment Quick News   
A Monthly Report on EPRI's Environmental Research Programs March 2010
Program 102: Global Climate Policy Costs and Benefits

Workshop on Socioeconomic Scenarios for Climate Research and Assessment
At the invitation of the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council (NRC), EPRI’s Steven Rose participated in the NRC’s Feb. 4–5 workshop, Describing Socio-Economic and Environmental Futures for Climate Change Research and Assessment.  The workshop reviewed approaches and methodological issues in developing socioeconomic scenarios, considered the forces and uncertainties that affect the scenarios, and identified the elements of a research plan to advance development of socioeconomic scenarios and narratives.  The workshop effort will help direct research for the next U.S. national assessment of climate change impacts and the next assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  For more information, contact Steven Rose, (202) 293-6183, srose@epri.com.